Ben Medansky

Ben Medansky is an orchestrator of controlled chaos, a sculptor of hard edges in naturalistic worlds, a refiner of industrial aesthetics that retain rough and human qualities.

The varied environments of Arizona, Chicago and Los Angeles - both natural and manmade - are the foundation to Ben’s creative inspiration. He is especially influenced by Brutalist and Modern architecture and industrial design; specifically by the strong and diverse architecture of downtown LA and it's seemingly uninterrupted construction. Ben is also drawn to themes and motifs of technology and space exploration and the industrial aesthetics they employ. Much of this work explores variations on radial symmetry and grids while utilizing a limited color palette. It is an appropriation of aesthetics employed by the mechanical world; an experiment in mimicking strong forms out of a fragile material. The output is a meditation on minimalism and mechanics, re-mastered in earthen and eternal material. Learn more at

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  • 沙丘过山车
  • 沙丘过山车

Ben Medansky


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3.5 x 3.5 x 0.5 in


亚利桑那、芝加哥和洛杉矶的不同环境——无论是自然环境,也是人造环境——是本创作灵感的基础。他尤其受到野蛮主义和现代建筑及工业设计的影响;特别是由洛杉矶市中心强大和多样化的建筑, 它似乎不间断的建设。Ben 还被技术和太空探索的主题和主题以及他们采用的工业美学吸引。这项工作的很多探索径向对称性和网格的变化,同时利用有限的调色板。它是机械界对美学的一种侵占;模仿脆弱材料中强形态的实验。输出是一个冥想极简主义和力学,重新掌握在土和永恒的材料。